Handel, Giulio Cesare (The Atlanta Opera, 2021) | Renée Tatum
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Handel, Giulio Cesare (The Atlanta Opera, 2021)

Renee Tatum as Cornelia, Jasmine Habersham as Cleopatra and Elizabeth Sarian as Nireno. (Photography by Ken Howard)

Renée Tatum summoned all attention with Cornelia’s initial aria, “Priva son d’ogni conforto” and mesmerized throughout the night with her splendid singing. Her duets with Sesto, sung by Megan Marino, were stunning, the pulsations of their vibrato synchronized.

Stephanie Adrian, Opera News
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In the more congenial role of Cornelia, mezzo-soprano Renée Tatum also scored a triumphant debut with the Atlanta Opera in these performances. In contrast to Ms. Harbersham, her instrument offered a greater evenness of scale and firmness of tone throughout the range, qualities which flattered the role’s less encyclopedic demands. The opening aria, “Priva son d’ogni conforto” revealed a large, well-rounded mezzo ideally suited to fill the phrases of sustained melodies.

Daniel Vasquez, New Outpost
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